The Facial Bone Contouring Surgery
By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 12월 07, 2017
The Facial Bone Contouring Surg
Lina's Real Story
My jaw was extremely boxy and cheeks were prominent.
I've heard way too many times that I have an intimidating impression.
I was very nervous the night before the operation and couldn't seem to sleep.
I was also very excited to see how the operation would turn out!!
<Post-Operation Day 1-14>
The swelling has been moving down towards the chin and jaw area and there's hardly any left around the eyes. just a little bruising.
I'm felling and eating well and I've also been doing a lot of talking.
I must be a natural at this, seeing how speedy my recovery is! I've also been experimenting with heavier and more elaborate make-up after removing stitches.
<Post-Operation Day 30>
My features are so much more defined. And the camera seems to say the same, No matter from what angle or how many pictures I have taken!
I no longer have the same intimidating impression. and I'm reminded of how satisfied I am with the results every time I look in the mirror!
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