[Real Review] Facial Contouring in Korea.

By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 12월 19, 2017

[Real Review] Facial Contouring in Korea.

Be attractive to the woman with a soft image!

Facial Contouring in Korea
캡션 추가

Surgical Types

-Double Eyelid Surgery (Natural Adhesion Method)
-Cheekbone Reduction
-Fat Grafting
-Sqaure Jaw Reduction
-Mini V line.

Facial Contouring in Korea.

Before the surgery

I heard that I looked scary with frightening impression because of the strongly developed facial bone even though am a bright and cheerful person!

I decided to have a facial contour surgery because I want to change into a soft and sophisticated image.

1 month after the surgery

The swelling that I was worried about gradually subsides.
I think it's worse because of fat grafting. I still feel something artificial, but I guess i'll have to wait.
But the protruding cheekbone and square jaws that were so severe were gone now so that I could be a soft guy I wanted.

I was still ashamed to tell my friends. But when I contacted my girlfriends and showed a picture, I was happy to hear that the surgery was good.

2 months after the surgery

It's been 2 months since I had a surgery.The strong and tough impression becomes softer, and I hear a lot that I became handsome.Thanks all to Park Bum-Jin at iWELL!I honestly worried about my look when I was a month.But, it seems to be getting more natural with a surgical effect.As time goes by, I hope it will be more natural and more handsome.

3 months after the surgery

I have a lot of confidence now because of the appearance that changed from the past.
I gained weights becasue I have been eating well without worrying about swelling lately...
I am so satisfied with my appearance right now!

I'll start weight management soon so that I look better.

Facial Contouring in Korea.


<If you want to get more information and consultation click here↓↓>

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