iWELL Plastic Surgery - Real Story about Facial Contouring Surgery.

By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 12μ›” 08, 2017

 Real Story about  Facial Contouring Surgery.

<heart line fat grafting, Ptosis correction, 3D cheekbone reduction, 3D sculpting rhinoplasty(osteotomy), Long curved square jaw reduction, advancement genioplasty>

"I wanted to hear a pretty mother."

I have double eyelids, but it feels so thick and loose?
I always heard that I looked tired because I always had more than 3 layers.
And the asymmetry of my face was so big that it was stressful.
So I hear that I look older than my age.
I was married early and I had two children, so I decided to have a surgery because I wanted to hear a pretty mother.

Today is the day to finally remove stitches!! I can also see my face after surgery.
Because it removes the bandage that was wrapped around! So, it a very exciting day.
Wow! The moment I saw my face in the mirror, I was really surprised.
The face looks smaller and 10 years younger...
wow...overall, the impression was sharp, and I was very happy.
Maybe my husband could not recognize my face.Hehe. 

I think I am born to for the plastic surgery! The swelling goes away amazingly so fast^^
People around me at the hospital are also surprised to see the swelling go away so soon.
I removed the stitches in my mouth just a while ago and then I brushed my teeth and gargled every three hours.
I still have a little yellow bruise on my face as a whole, but I can barely cover it with blemish balm (BB) cream. I wish the bruise disappeared soon though. 

It's been a month, so I've lost some swelling.
I think it's hard to chew hard foods now.
so, I'm just eating mainly regular meals~! A whole sense of face is dull sensation?
People around me. especially kids, like that I became pretty!
Should I be flattered?.. I feel strangely happy lately and I always smile.

I did not have a mouth corner surgery, but friends asked me if I had a surgery, maybe because I was always laughing.
As time goes by, my face becomes smaller and the whole face seems to be well polished.
I lost about 3 kg after my operation.
I am worried that my face fat grafts are also absorbed.γ…œγ…œ
I hear a lot that if I am an American mixed blood these days, and I feel very happy.

I have recovered all the parts of my surgery and now I am totally forgetting my old look and living a new life.
When I meet my friends, I hear a lot that the face is too small, I lose weight, and I become beautiful.
After the operation, I was worried about styling, and I became more careful to make my behavior beautiful!
There are a lot of things to worry about since I became pretty.
I like my loos much better now than before!
Thank you iWELL~^^

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