[Short Diary] Be sharped nose thorough iWELL's Rhinoplasty

By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 1월 22, 2018

[Short Diary] 
Be sharped nose thorough iWELL's Rhinoplasty 

Surgiacl Information

-Nose job (augmentation rhinoplasty)
- Nasal Tip 
-Bulbous Nose Correction

Nose job in Korea
Before the Surgery
(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery)

Nose job in Korea
After the Surgery
(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery)

 Be sharped nose thorough iWELL's Rhinoplasty 

Honestly, I thought it would look different just to my eyes.
 but my friends thought som, too.!!
When I see my sideline of the nose, the bulbous nose was no longer to be found.
Even I've done like my profile! but now, it is my best part!!!
My older sister said the nose will be born with the most suitable nose 
for a person's birth.
but it is the wrong KKK
the people around me say that did the surgery is really god's move!

And my father's nose is really pretty,
finally, I became his nose!
Thanks to my father, many people don't know that I had the surgery.

REALLY REALLY I appreciate dr, Jooho Kim and general manager.


<If you want to get more information 

& consultation click here↓↓>

Email: iwellps@naver.com


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