[Short Diary] iWELL Plastic Surgery Review _ It is subsiding well after I did V line surgery.
By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 4월 04, 2018
[Short Diary]
iWELL Plastic Surgery Review
" It is subsiding well after I did V line surgery. "
- MINI V LINE SURGERY(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery) |
The speed of deswelling is so good, I posted my review.
Actually, I didn't have huge square jaw,
but I concerned the swelling because I can easily get swelling.
However, It has been just a month, the swelling is gone off almost!
Even when I walk around or hang out with my friends the people don't know
that I had surgery!!
<For more information
about iWELL Plastic Surgery click here↓↓>
_Email: iwellps@naver.com
_FaceBook: https://goo.gl/QHtd6M
_Instagram: https://goo.gl/KmNHri
_Website: https://goo.gl/9yhLc5
**KaKaoTalk : iwell
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