[Short Diary] iWELL Plastic Surgery Review - The review of double eyelid surgery
By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 4월 27, 2018
[Short Diary]
iWELL Plastic Surgery Review -
"The review of double eyelid surgery"
- 3D Zygoma Reduction Surgery
(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery) |
(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery) |
(picture source: iWELL Plastic Surgery) |
It has been quite long time since I had the surgery.
but I want to show off this!
I did natural adhesion method double surgery and medial epicanthoplasty.
I didn't ptosis correction!
my friends said I don't need to get that
even the doctor said as well.
These days double eyelid surgery is not a shame thing.
on the contrary, I step out to consult with my friends.
I am just thinking about being hospital counseller
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