What Shape of your face??

By iWELL Plastic Surgery - 11월 05, 2017

The facial contouring(bone) surgery.
iWELL's one of major work  Sculpting facial Contouring

 Sculpting facial contouring is a trademark which proposes new concept about facial contouring provided by the IWELL plastic surgery; this word is created by grafting “sculpting” to facial contouring. Everything started from a doubt; would general convention of facial contouring which is to cut square jaw as much as possible until nerve fibers are exposed and to push in the protruding cheekbone competitively make a face prettier?

Michelangelo, a genius sculptor, defined “sculpting” as removing the unnecessary. He predicted the hidden beauty of uncarved marble and from such inspiration had he crafted beautiful sculptures such as Pieta and David.

As I mentioned earlier, sculpting means to “sculpt”; sculpting facial contouring represents plastic surgery of iWELL which is to preserve the functionality while pursuing natural and harmonic beauty.

Based on aesthetic sense acquired from abundant experience and research results, we accurately understand the facial structure of individual to “sculpt” and move beyond just removing bones to harmonically carve.

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